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in  c😄nversati😂n

with creatives

A podcast where we get guests from the Creative Industry to get insights about the industry, understand how they work and know what keeps them ticking!

👉 ICW-C (EP05): Consumer Insights with Rahul Suresh

Rahul shares some valuable information on the need for consumer insights, hypothesis testing, design thinking, quantitative research and qualitative research among other things.

👉 ICWC - EP04: A journey into Graphic Design with Priya Choudhary

Priya Choudhary joins me to talk about her journey into graphic design, her design process on a brand identity project and shares some insightful study materials for aspiring and beginner graphic designers.

👉 ICW-C (EP03): Photography with Sanal Kumar (Mr.Ink / INKAN)

Sanal Kumar is a fine art and fashion photographer with a very distinct photography style & has been featuresd on behance 6 times!

👉 ICW-C (EP02): Aakansha Menon's (@Hued.spirit) journey as an Illustrator

Aakansha Menon is an Indian Illustrator who has been featured on prominent publications like The Hindu, The Hardcopy & Co and The Creative Gaga among many others.

👉 ICW-C (EP01): How to get started in PR with Renuka Neelagandan

Renuka Neelagandan an award winning PR Consultant talks about getting started in Public Relations. Her work was awarded at the 2019 SABRE Awards Asia-Pacific. Good watch for someone starting out in PR.

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